Profª Dra. Amparo
Belloch Fuster
Catedrática de Psicopatología en la Universidad de Valencia
Profª Dra. Amparo Belloch Fuster
- Licenciada en Psicología (1975)
- Doctora en Psicología (1980)
- Catedrática de Psicopatología (1987)
- Especialista en Psicología Clínica (1999)
Ha sido docente regular con dedicación exclusiva en la Facultad de Psicología de la Universitat de Valéncia desde 1976, (primero como contratada, como Adjunta desde 1983 y como Catedrática desde 1987 hasta su jubilación en 2021).
Docente invitada en la mayoría de universidades españolas y en muchas otras extranjeras. Ha desarrollado su actividad asistencial gratuita en psicología clínica en distintos contextos y ámbitos del SNS (Hospital Psiquiátrico Padre Jofré; CSM Lluis Alcanys; Hospital La Fé, Servicios de Medicina Digestiva y Neumología), y en la Facultad de Psicología de la Universitat de Valéncia. En esa Universidad fundó y co-dirigió el Servicio de Asistencia psicológica del Departamento PETRA (1988-2004) y, entre 2004-2021 fundó y dirigió la Unidad de Investigación y Tratamiento de Obsesiones y Compulsiones (I’TOC; Grupo GIUV2017-393, reconocido como Grupo de Excelencia por la Generalitat Valenciana).
Ha sido Investigadora Principal o investigadora en 21 proyectos de convocatorias competitivas nacionales, autonómicas e internacionales.
Ha publicado 20 libros, 60 capítulos, más de 200 artículos científicos, ha participado como ponente o conferenciante invitada en más de 90 Congresos nacionales e internacionales y con más de 400 presentaciones.
Ha dirigido numerosas Tesis de Licenciatura, así como TFG y TFM y 23 Tesis Doctorales.
Forma parte de dos grupos internacionales de expertos en el TOC (Obsessive Compulsive Cognitions Working Group; International Consortium on Intrusive Fears).
Desde 2016 es miembro (evaluador) de la Global Clinical Practice Network (OMS) y desde 2023 de la International OCD Foundation. Fundadora de la Asociación Española de Psicología Clínica y Psicopatología (AEPCP) en 1994 y Presidenta de Honor desde 2019.
Desde 1995 ha sido miembro de la Comisión Nacional de la Especialidad de Psicología Clínica que presidió entre 2006 y 2014.
Ha recibido el premio a la Psicóloga del año (VI Edición Premios Sanitarias, 2023) y nombrada Doctora Honoris Causa por la Universidad de Sevilla (2022-23).
Catedrática Dra. Marta Ghisi
Catedrática de Psicología Clínica en la Universidad de Padua
Profª Dra. Marta Ghisi
- Graduated in Psychology in 2001 from the University of Padua, she obtained her Ph.D. from the same university in 2007.
In 2007, she was a research fellow, and in 2008, she became a tenured researcher at the Department of General Psychology at the University of Padua. In 2010, she was a visiting fellow at the Department of Psychology of the Universiteit van Amsterdam.
In 2018, she became Associate Professor and, in 2022, full professor of Clinical Psychology at the Department of General Psychology in Padua, where she currently teaches «Clinical Psychodiagnostics» and «Psychology of Sport and Health.» She also conducts teaching activities at specialization schools and university master’s programs at the University of Padua.
She is the author of over one hundred scientific publications in the field of clinical psychology and health and is a member of national and international research groups, some of which she coordinates. Her research interests focus on disorders within the obsessive-compulsive spectrum, such as trichotillomania, anxiety disorders, and the Italian validation of tools for psychodiagnostic assessment, as well as on the psychological and psychopathological characteristics in both elite and amateur athletes and the relationship between physical exercise practice and health and well-being.
Since 2021, she has been the Rector’s Delegate for Short Specialization Programs, Professional Courses, Continuing Education and Micro-credentials at the University of Padua.
Since 2021, she has been Vice President and member of the Board of Directors of the Italian Association of Sport and Exercise Psychology (AIPS). She has been a member of the Board of Directors of the University Clinical Psychological Services Center of the University of Padua from 2018 to 2022 and of the Board of Directors of the Galilean School of Higher Education of the University of Padua since 2019.
From 2016 to 2021, she was an Advisor for the Psychological Services sector of the Vice-Rector for Student Conditions and the Right to Education, and from 2018 to 2021, she was an Advisor for sports activities of the Delegate for Sports and Well-being.
Since 2014, she has been a member of the Permanent Research Committee of the Department of General Psychology at the University of Padua.
From 2003 to 2021, she carried out activities at the university clinical services at the University of Padua, and since 2021, she has been providing care service at the Complex Operative Unit of Hospital Psychology of the Padua Hospital – University.